Dumbells and Doorknobs is a tabletop role playing game established in 2017. With my friend Steev, we developed this system after much dissatisfaction with current rpgs, as they all seemed bogged down in number crunching. If you're looking for a quick start and a lot of spontaneous fun, look no further!
Follow these steps to get started! (click on each image to go to the document)
This comprehensive guide provides the basic rules and spirit of the game. Look this over if its your first time playing or if you want to double check something.
Copy this template into another google doc or word to record and setup your personalized character.
This is the most used document in the entire dumbells system. Use it to select a class and race for your character.
All of the items (weapons, armour, 10 foot poles, etc) can be found with their respective prices here.
List of Spell Cards for the Temple Lassie class, stay tuned for list of spells to also appear here.
(courtesy of Jared Fredette) List of busted character builds that can be used to create powerful characters, especially if you want to Min Max!
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The team tracks down the Zuck and an epic conclusive battle of the ages ensues! Enjoy! Audio File Here
Discord Server
Discord Server
The team goes back in time again to challenge fate and prevent disastrous events from occurring! Enjoy! Audio File Here
Timestamps for crime ...
Discord Server
Discord Server
The team goes back in time to defeat the zucc before he gets powerful. But they failed to realize the cost they paid! Enjoy! Audio File Her...
Discord Server
Discord Server
The team finds some robots hiding some treasure and genk them to claim it. They end up finding the solution to the zucc problem! Enjoy! Au...
Discord Server
Discord Server
The team has a spooky run in with some Cthulhu robots and hatch a plan for sweet revenge! Enjoy! Audio File Here
Discord Server
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